Development of a selective low cost absorbing surface based on soot for solar thermal applications

F. Correa, M. Gonzalez, H. Servin, F. Marquez, J. G. Rutiaga, A. A. Lemus, E. Reguerad, V. Alonso

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículo de la conferenciarevisión exhaustiva

9 Citas (Scopus)


Selective absorber surfaces, based on soot, for solar applications were analyzed to achieve the best optical and thermal properties for a Jorhejpatarnskua solar cooker, which uses a CPC (compound parabolic concentrator) of revolution. The soot was obtained as residue of the biomass combustion in a home, from pine-wood resin sticks and resin combustion. These kinds of soot were analyzed using techniques such as X-ray energy dispersive, differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis. The best optical and thermal properties were presented in resin soot, which coincide with its good characteristics showing the highest C contained and the least number of mineral elements influencing in the thermal decomposition stage. A temperature that went from 200°C to 650°C was reached to begin the thermal decomposition in all kinds of soot. An additional advantage of the resin soot was its yield to produce it.

Idioma originalInglés
Páginas (desde-hasta)1565-1572
Número de páginas8
PublicaciónEnergy Procedia
EstadoPublicada - 2014
Evento2013 ISES Solar World Congress, SWC 2013 - Cancun, México
Duración: 3 nov. 20137 nov. 2013


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