Comparison of multi-motor synchronization techniques

Francisco J. Pérez-Pinal, Ciro Núñez, Ricardo Álvarez, Ilse Cervantes

Producción científica: Contribución a una conferenciaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

127 Citas (Scopus)


Multi-motor applications has become a very attractive field in industrial applications replacing the traditional mechanical coupling. Applications can be found in paper machines, offset printing, textiles, differential drives, to name some examples. Multi-motor techniques are used where matched speed during acceleration, deceleration and changes in load requires "truly" speed and angle synchronization between at least two axes. Several synchronization techniques has bee developed in order to fulfill those necessities, in this work the Master-Slave, Cross Coupling Technique, Bi-arial cross-coupled control method, Electronic (Virtual) Line-Shafting and the Relative Coupling Strategy are compared for different industrial applications. Practical results in a two 1.5 kW induction machine test ring are presented, showing advantages and limitation of those techniques during different load conditions. The work reported in this paper makes use of a V/Hz motor control scheme, but conclusions drawn can be applied to any motor control technique. Parallel research is on going, results will be reported on future publications.

Idioma originalInglés
Número de páginas6
EstadoPublicada - 2004
EventoIECON 2004 - 30th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society - Busan, República de Corea
Duración: 2 nov. 20046 nov. 2004


ConferenciaIECON 2004 - 30th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
País/TerritorioRepública de Corea


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