Collisional fragmentation of Ar@C60

C. Brink, P. Hvelplund, H. Shen, H. A. Jiménez-Vázquez, R. J. Cross, M. Saunders

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

10 Citas (Scopus)


The fragmentation patterns resulting from collisions between (Ar@C60)+ or (Ar@C60)- ions and H2, He, CH4, Ne, Ar and Kr target gases have been measured. The ion-source material Ar@C60 was synthesized by heating C60 under 3000 atm of argon gas, leading to a 10-3 concentration of endohedral fullerenes. The fragmentation spectra (charged molecules only) are dominated by positive ions both when positive or negative endohedrals break up. Endohedral fragment ions Ar@Cn+ (48≤n≤60) as well as all carbon fragments are observed. For collisions involving (Ar@C60)-, ejection of the Ar atom together with two electrons, without permanently damaging the fullerene cage, is a prominent reaction channel, indicating that a 'window' or a deformation in the form of e.g. a large hole, through which the argon atoms can exit, is opened during the collision.

Idioma originalInglés
Páginas (desde-hasta)28-34
Número de páginas7
PublicaciónChemical Physics Letters
EstadoPublicada - 3 abr. 1998
Publicado de forma externa


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