Characterization of ZrO2:Mn, Cl luminescent coatings synthesized by the Pyrosol technique

M. García-Hipólito, O. Alvarez-Fregoso, E. Martínez, C. Falcony, M. A. Aguilar-Frutis

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

26 Citas (Scopus)


Manganese doped zirconia luminescent films have been deposited at temperatures ranging from 250 to 500 °C using the Pyrosol technique. The material obtained is in an amorphous state up 400 °C. For higher temperatures a polycrystalline material is obtained with a cubic and/or tetragonal crystalline zirconia phase. The photoluminescence and cathodoluminescence spectra show the bands associated with the electronic transitions 4T1(4G) → 6A1(6S) of the Mn2+ ions. A decrease of the luminescence, as a function of the doping concentration, substrate temperature and electron accelerating voltage is observed. The presence of chlorine seems necessary for the red luminescence. The surface morphology of the films is also presented.

Idioma originalInglés
Páginas (desde-hasta)113-118
Número de páginas6
PublicaciónOptical Materials
EstadoPublicada - sep. 2002
Publicado de forma externa


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