Characterization of angular dependence of macroscopic magnetic properties in ASTM 36 steel using magnetic Barkhausen noise

J. A. Pérez-Benitez, J. Capó-Sánchez, L. R. Padovese

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

13 Citas (Scopus)


Angular-dependent magnetic Barkhausen noise measurements were performed on ASTM 36 steel samples for various values of applied uniaxial stress. The maximum differential permeability and the coercive field are obtained from this Barkhausen signals. The angular dependence of these macroscopic magnetic properties is studied. The tension for which the magneto-elastic energy balances the anisotropic energy is estimated. The results are discussed based on the domain wall theory.

Idioma originalInglés
Páginas (desde-hasta)284-288
Número de páginas5
PublicaciónNDT and E International
EstadoPublicada - jun. 2007
Publicado de forma externa


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