Characterization of a wireless MESH network for voice, data and video

Producción científica: Contribución a una conferenciaArtículorevisión exhaustiva


This paper presents the design of a MESH network to provide services simultaneous of voice, video and data. The network architecture is constituted by two access points (AP's), two mobile wireless routers (WR's), a mobile unit, a portable unit and a control center. The network was implemented at Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN), campus Zacatenco. We made different communications tests of voice, data and video with and without the network infrastructure to carry out a system evaluation. We also tested the network with mobile unit to different speeds reaching up to 100 km/h.

Idioma originalInglés
Número de páginas6
EstadoPublicada - 2008
EventoProceedings - 5th Meeting of the Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference 2008, CERMA 2008 - Cuernavaca, Morelos, México
Duración: 30 sep. 20083 oct. 2008


ConferenciaProceedings - 5th Meeting of the Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference 2008, CERMA 2008
CiudadCuernavaca, Morelos


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