Analysis and recognition of voiced segments of esophageal speech

Alfredo Mantilla, Héctor Pérez-Meana, Daniel Mata, Carlos Angeles, Jorge Alvarado, Laura Cabrera

Producción científica: Capítulo del libro/informe/acta de congresoContribución a la conferenciarevisión exhaustiva

2 Citas (Scopus)


This paper presents a system for analysis and recognition of voiced segments in Spanish esophageal speech. It exposes the mathematical fundaments for the voiced speech segments analysis algorithm, based in the formant extraction method as well as the recognition stage through the artificial neural networks. Simulation results are presented for normal and esophageal speech. The system was implemented in a real time processing platform based in a digital signal processor TMS320C5416 of Texas Instruments.

Idioma originalInglés
Título de la publicación alojadaProceedings - Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference, CERMA 2006
Número de páginas9
EstadoPublicada - 2006
EventoElectronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference, CERMA 2006 - Cuernavaca, Morelos, México
Duración: 26 sep. 200629 sep. 2006

Serie de la publicación

NombreProceedings - Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference, CERMA 2006


ConferenciaElectronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference, CERMA 2006
CiudadCuernavaca, Morelos


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