Adaptive hierarchical fuzzy CMAC controller with stable learning algorithm for unknown nonlinear systems

Floriberto Ortiz, Wen Yu, Marco Moreno-Armendariz

Producción científica: Contribución a una conferenciaArtículo


In this paper, adaptive hierarchical fuzzy CMAC neural network controller (HFCMAC), for a certain class of nonlinear dynamical system is presented. The main advantages of adaptive HFCMAC control are: Better performance of the controller because adaptive HFCMAC can adjust itself to the changing enviroment and can be implemented in real time applications. The proposed method provides a simple control architecture that merges hierarchical structure, CMAC neural network and fuzzy logic. The input space dimension in CMAC is a time-consuming task especially when the number of inputs is huge this would be overload the memory and make the neuro-fuzzy system very hard to implement. This is can be simplified using a number of low-dimensional fuzzy CMAC in a hierarchical form. A new adaptation law is obtained for the method proposed, the overall adaptive scheme guarantees the global stability of the resulting closed-loop system in the sense that all signals involved are uniformly bounded. Simulation results for its applications to one example is presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed methodology. © 2008 IEEE.
Idioma originalInglés estadounidense
Número de páginas263
EstadoPublicada - 24 dic. 2008
EventoProceedings - 2007 6th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Special Session, MICAI 2007 -
Duración: 24 dic. 2008 → …


ConferenciaProceedings - 2007 6th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Special Session, MICAI 2007
Período24/12/08 → …


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