A study of plastic deformation around a defect using the magnetic Barkhausen noise in ASTM 36 steel

J. A. Perez-Benitez, J. Capo-Sanchez, J. Anglada-Rivera, L. R. Padovese

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

25 Citas (Scopus)


The present work presents the measurements of the magnetic Barkhausen noise (MBN) in ASTM 36 steel samples around a pit under plastic deformation. The contour maps obtained from these Barkhausen noise measurements are compared with the finite element analysis of the ideal plastic deformation. Also, a parameter of the Barkhausen signal to detect the plastic deformation around the pit in ASTM 36 steel is obtained. Additionally to that, we propose another MBN parameter to estimate the pit width using the Barkhausen noise.

Idioma originalInglés
Páginas (desde-hasta)53-58
Número de páginas6
PublicaciónNDT and E International
EstadoPublicada - ene. 2008
Publicado de forma externa


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