A non-homogenous model for the spring-block cellular automaton for earthquakes

A. Salinas Martínez, J. Pérez Oregon, A. Muñoz Diosdado, F. Angulo Brown

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículo de la conferenciarevisión exhaustiva


Many complex systems exhibit self-organizing criticality (SOC). In fact, there is a consensus that the Earth's crust is a SOC system. The Olami, Feder and Christensen (OFC) spring-block model is a non-conservative SOC model that is used successfully to simulate the dynamics of seismic faults. In this model the system of coupled differential equations representing the spring-block model is mapped to a cellular automaton. In this work we include the idea of asperity, which is an important concept in real seismicity, by varying the distribution in the spring-block network. Considering that in real life seismicity faults are composed of different elements, it is necessary to have a model with these characteristics. We were able of reproduce the Gutenberg-Richter behavior (previously obtained in the classic OFC model) in this non-homogenous distribution.

Idioma originalInglés
Número de artículo012044
PublicaciónJournal of Physics: Conference Series
EstadoPublicada - 2022
Evento11th International Congress of Physics Engineering, CIIF 2021 - Mexico City, México
Duración: 26 sep. 202129 sep. 2021


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