ΛnN and ΣnN systems at threshold. II. the effect of D waves

H. Garcilazo, A. Valcarce, T. Fernández-Caramés

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

30 Citas (Scopus)


Using the two-body interactions obtained from a chiral constituent quark model, we study all ΛNN and ΣNN states with I=0,1,2 and J=1/2,3/2 at threshold, taking into account all three-body configurations with S and D wave components. We constrain further the limits for the ΛN spin-triplet scattering length a1/2,1. Using the hypertriton binding energy, we find a narrow interval for the possible values of the ΛN spin-singlet scattering length a1/2,0. We find that the ΣNN system has a quasibound state in the (I,J)=(1,1/2) channel very near threshold with a width of about 2.1 MeV.

Idioma originalInglés
Número de artículo034001
PublicaciónPhysical Review C
EstadoPublicada - 4 sep. 2007


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