ΛnN and ΣnN systems at threshold

H. Garcilazo, T. Fernández-Caramés, A. Valcarce

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

76 Citas (Scopus)


We calculate the hypertriton binding energy and the Λd and Σd scattering lengths using baryon-baryon interactions obtained from a chiral constituent quark model. We study consistently the ΛNN and ΣNN systems by analyzing the effect of the Σ Λ conversion. Our interactions correctly predict the hypertriton binding energy. The (I,J)=(0,3/2) ΛNN channel is also attractive and it might have a bound state. From the condition of nonexistence of a (0,3/2) ΛNN bound state, an upper limit for the spin-triplet ΛN scattering length is obtained. We also present results for the elastic and inelastic ΣN and ΛN cross sections. The consistent description of the ΣN scattering cross sections imposes a lower limit for the corresponding spin-triplet scattering lengths. In the ΣNN system the only attractive channels are (I,J)=(1,1/2) and (0,1/2), the (1,1/2) state being the most attractive one.

Idioma originalInglés
Número de artículo034002
PublicaciónPhysical Review C
EstadoPublicada - 12 mar. 2007


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