Experimental validation of simplicial complexes in multivariable coupled oscillators. Virtual Interfaces

  • Jesus Ricardo Sevilla-Escoboza (Creador)
  • Victor Porfirio Vera Avila (Creador)
  • Roberto Rafael Rivera Duron (Creador)
  • Javier M. Buldú (Creador)



The virtual instruments for each experiment are also available in the RAR file, there are 2 main folders: Control-Acquisition and Coupling. Control-Acquisition folder contains the file named ControlGPD-2303S.vi necessary to control the programmable power supply (GW Instek GPD-2303S) via USB port; also, this file allows to acquire the time series using the data acquisition card (NI 6363). By the other hand, Coupling folder contains five files. The file SimplicialComplexes.lvproj corresponds to the complete project to configure and control the CompaqRIO (NI 9074). The four remaining files corresponds to the virtual instruments allow to calculate the possible scenarios of coupling functions $g^(1)$ and $g^(2)$ that we have mentioned in the main text. Namely, SimplextresnodosXX.vi, SimplextresnodosXY.vi, SimplextresnodosYX.vi, and SimplextresnodosYY.vi correspond to experiments (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv), respectively. Two important point must be considered. The former, these uploaded files work jointly, in other words, all files are necessary to reproduce the experiment; and the second point is the fact that the aforementioned hardware is necessary in order to reproduce the experiment.
Datos disponibles2 mar. 2024

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