Variación fenotípica , heterosis y heredabilidad de una cruza interes pecífica de jitomate

Translated title of the contribution: Phenotypic variation, heterosis and heritability of a tomatointers pecific cross

Aurelio Hernández-Bautista, Ricardo Lobato-Ortiz, Serafín Cruz-Izquierdo, J. Jesús García-Zavala, José Luis Chávez-Servia

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


In order to study and take advantage of the genetic diversity present in wild relatives of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), it is necessary to continue exploring new germplasm sources to find novel genes that contribute to generate new varieties with improved yield and quality characteristics. An interspecific cross between S. pimpinellifolium line 11904 and S. lycopersicum l ine L OR82 was made too btain an F1 population, aiming to of estimate the degree of dominance, heterosis, broad-sense heritability of different traits in the F1 population and measuring phenotypic variation between parents. The parents resulted statistically different (p≤0.05) for most of the traits, except for pH. The species S. pimpinellifolium expressed a high degree of dominance in fruit size related traits (PPF, LF and AF) and earliness related traits (DM and DFPR), while °Brix showed additivity. Most values of heterosis were negative, but NTF (183.93%), NFPR (5.08%) and DM (7.34%) were positive. Traits affecting fruit weight and size showed a high degree of heritability (H2) (>0.88) as well as °Brix (0.86). According to these results, germplasm derived from LOR82 line and 11904 line presented useful traits for breeding programs in Mexico.

Translated title of the contributionPhenotypic variation, heterosis and heritability of a tomatointers pecific cross
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)327-332
Number of pages6
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2014


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