Towards a physics on fractals: Differential vector calculus in three-dimensional continuum with fractal metric

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One way to deal with physical problems on nowhere differentiable fractals is the mapping of these problems into the corresponding problems for continuum with a proper fractal metric. On this way different definitions of the fractal metric were suggested to account for the essential fractal features. In this work we develop the metric differential vector calculus in a three-dimensional continuum with a non-Euclidean metric. The metric differential forms and Laplacian are introduced, fundamental identities for metric differential operators are established and integral theorems are proved by employing the metric version of the quaternionic analysis for the Moisil-Teodoresco operator, which has been introduced and partially developed in this paper. The relations between the metric and conventional operators are revealed. It should be emphasized that the metric vector calculus developed in this work provides a comprehensive mathematical formalism for the continuum with any suitable definition of fractal metric. This offers a novel tool to study physics on fractals.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)345-359
Number of pages15
JournalPhysica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
StatePublished - 15 Feb 2016


  • Fractal
  • Hausdorff derivative
  • Local fractional calculus
  • Metric derivative
  • Quaternionic analysis


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