Physicochemical Characterization of Mesquite Flour (Prosopis laevigata), Particle Size Distribution, Morphology, Isosteric Heat, and Rheology.

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Mesquite pods were dried and milled. The physicochemical properties of mesquite flour were characterized. The pods were dried at 60°C, 15% RH, and 2 m/s airflow. After drying, two types of milling were applied: (1) industrial blade mill and (2) Blender, and the nutritional composition was determined. The sorption isotherms were obtained at 30, 35, 40, and 45°C for a range of water activity of 0.07–0.9. The particle size distribution and the average particle size of the flours were characterized by means of diffraction of blue laser light; furthermore, the morphology was analyzed by (SEM). The powders were also analyzed by DSC. Alveography was applied to study the rheology of the flour. Mesquite powders are highly hygroscopic, and the (GAB) model displays a good description of the experimental data. Flours expose different morphologies depending on the milling technique; a more homogeneous powder was obtained from the industrial blade mill. Rheological characterization indicates that mesquite flour decreases the tenacity and extensibility of the flour mixture. According to DSC, the flours are very stable over a wide temperature range from 0 to 120°C, and the thermograms indicate a transition of proteins affected by high-molecular-weight carbohydrates and moisture content.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationCaracterización fisicoquímica de harinas de Mezquite ( Prosopis laevigata), distribución de tamaño de partículas, morfología,Calor isostérico, reología
Number of pages16
StateIn preparation - 1 Aug 2022

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