Pharmacogenetics in Latin American populations: Regulatory aspects, application to herbal medicine, cardiovascular and psychiatric disorders

Idania Rodeiro, Diadelis Remírez-Figueredo, Milagros García-Mesa, Pedro Dorado, Adrián Llerena, Graciela E. Moya, Verónica Ferrero, Eduardo Tarazona-Santos, Jenny Fiedler, Luisa Herrera, Romina Rojas-Ponce, Alba P. Sarmiento-Sánchez, Angélica Borbón-Orejuela, Ramiro Barrantes, Gerardo Jiménez-Arce, Carolina Céspedes, Mayra Álvarez, Bárbaro Pérez, Luis Calzadilla, René DelgadoDiadelis Remirez, Enrique Terán, Natalia Heras, Leonardo Beltrán, Francisco Hernández, Pedro Doredo, Eva M. Peñas-Lledó, Jesús Cobaleda, M. Eugenia González-Naranjo, Fernando De Andrés, Rocío Ortiz-López, Augusto Rojas-Martínez, Lourdes Garza-Ocañas, Yadira X. Pérez-Páramo, Marisol López-López, Alberto Ortega-Vázquez, Elisa Alonso-Vilatela, Nancy Monroy-Jaramillo, Teresa Corona Vázquez, Petra Yescas-Gómez, Adriana Ochoa-Morales, Martha G. Sosa-Macías, Carlos Galaviz-Hernández, Ismael Lares, Blanca Lazalde, Ronald Ramirez-Roa, Manuela Grazina, Francisco E. Estévez-Carrizo, Nicolás González-Vacarezza

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

16 Scopus citations


Meeting report of the " Second Symposium on Pharmacology of Cytochrome P450 and Transporters " organized by the Cuban Society of Pharmacology in collaboration with the European Society of Pharmacogenetics and Theranostics (ESPT) and the Ibero-American Network of Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics ( The Symposium covered different topics on pharmacogenetics and its clinical implications, focusing on Latin-American populations. The activities of the ESPT were also presented and discussed. The topics addressed were regulatory aspects, the use of pharmacogenetics in pre-clinical research, herbal medicine, and natural products, ending with a discussion about translation into clinical practice, specifically for cardiovascular disorders and psychiatry. Finally, the implication for population diversity in Latin America was also discussed. The RIBEF initiative represents a promising step towards the inclusion of Latin American populations among those to benefit from the implementation of pharmacogenetics in clinical practice. Among current RIBEF activities, the CEIBA.FP Consortium aims to study the variability of pheno-and genotypes in Hispanics that are relevant to pharmacogenetics. For this purpose, populations from Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Colombia, Brasil, Perú, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, Portugal, and Spain are currently being studied. The meeting's main conclusion was that population pharmacogenetic studies as well as academic clinical trials might need to be conducted in the different geographic locations/countries. This is important in order to improve drug safety, dosage recommendations, and pharmacovigilance programs, because environmental and ethnic factors vary across locations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)57-60
Number of pages4
JournalDrug Metabolism and Drug Interactions
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Mar 2012


  • Hispanics
  • Latin America
  • cytochrome P450
  • pharmacogenetics


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