Observer-based differential evolution constrained control for safe reference tracking in robots

José de Jesús Rubio, Eduardo Orozco, Daniel Andres Cordova, Mario Alberto Hernandez, Francisco Javier Rosas, Jaime Pacheco

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Big torque inputs in controls could increase energy consumption, and big estimated perturbations in observers could produce device damages. Therefore, it would be interesting to propose a constrained control for safe reference tracking and a constrained observer for safe perturbation estimation in robots. Furthermore, the best gains in controls produce a balance between safe reference tracking and save energy consumption. Therefore, it would be interesting to propose a method to find the best gains. In this paper, an observer-based differential evolution constrained control is proposed for safe reference tracking in robots. The contributions are described as follows: (1) a constrained observer is proposed for safe perturbation estimation in robots, (2) a constrained control is proposed for safe reference tracking in robots, (3) a differential evolution optimizer is used to find the best gains in an observer-based constrained control, (4) the robust stability in an observer-based constrained control is assured, (5) the pseudo-code of an observer-based differential evolution constrained control is detailed. The proposed observer-based differential evolution constrained control is applied for safe reference tracking in two robots.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number106273
    JournalNeural Networks
    StatePublished - Jul 2024


    • Best gains
    • Constrained control
    • Constrained observer
    • Differential evolution optimizer
    • Safe perturbation estimation
    • Safe reference tracking


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