Impact of the error sensing probability in wide coverage areas of clustered-based wireless sensor networks

Edgar Romo-Montiel, Mario Eduardo Rivero-Ángeles, Iclia Villordo-Jimenez, Herón Molina-Lozano

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Wireless sensor networks are composed by a big number of autonomous nodes surveying a certain environmental parameter, such as temperature, humidity or even mobile targets. In this work, we focus on mobile target detection in wide area systems such as tracking animals in a forest or vehicle detection in security missions. Specifically, a low energy consumption clustering protocol is proposed, analyzed and studied. To this end, two communication schemes, based on the well-known LEACH protocol are proposed. The performance of the system is studied by means of a mathematical model that describes the behavior of the network under the most relevant parameters such as coverage radius, transmission radius, and number of nodes inside the network. Additionally, the transmission probability in the cluster formation phase is studied under realistic considerations of a wireless channel, where signal detection errors occur due to interference and noise in the access channel.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)60-72
Number of pages13
JournalRevista Tecnica de la Facultad de Ingenieria Universidad del Zulia
StatePublished - 1 Jul 2017


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