Fomitiporia cupressicola sp. Nov., a parasite on Cupressus arizonica, and additional unnamed clades in the southern USA and northern Mexico, determined by multilocus phylogenetic analyses

Mario Amalfi, Tania Raymundo, Ricardo Valenzuela, Cony Decock

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

33 Scopus citations


Fomitiporia cupressicola sp. nov., found in living Cupressus arizonica, is described on the basis of several collections originating from a high altitude forest in the northern Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico. The species forms a monophyletic clade, basal to a larger lineage comprising species originating mainly from temperate to Mediterranean areas of the northern hemisphere. The phylogenetic approach in Fomitiporia also revealed multiple unnamed clades within the F. robusta complex in the southern USA and northern Mexico, representing potential species. The status of the F. robusta complex in North America is discussed briefly.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)880-893
Number of pages14
Issue number4
StatePublished - Jul 2012


  • Biogeography
  • Hymenochaetaceae
  • North america
  • Phellinus sensu lato
  • Polypores


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