Exact solutions to generalized Dunkl oscillator and its thermodynamic properties

Shi Hai Dong, Wen Hua Huang, W. S. Chung, P. Sedaghatnia, H. Hassanabadi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

22 Scopus citations


In this work, based on the generalized Dunkl derivative in quantum mechanics we study the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation with a harmonic oscillator potential and obtain the energy eigenvalues. The principal thermodynamical properties including the Helmholtz free energy, mean energy and entropy are carried out. The effects of the Dunkl parameters on the thermodynamical quantities for even parity are discussed. The case of the odd parity can be easily obtained by substitution of the b rightarrow -band γ rightarrow -γ. All results in the limit case are reduced to ordinary statistical mechanics.

Original languageEnglish
Article number30006
Issue number3
StatePublished - Aug 2021


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