Enhancing Free Cyanide Photocatalytic Oxidation by rGO/TiO2 P25 Composites

Elim Albiter, Jose M. Barrera-Andrade, Lina A. Calzada, Jesús García-Valdés, Miguel A. Valenzuela, Elizabeth Rojas-García

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Graphene-TiO2 composites have been investigated in various photocatalytic reactions showing successful synergy compared to pristine TiO2. In the present work, graphene oxide (GO) was synthesized by the Hummers method and then reduced graphene oxide-TiO2 composites (rGO/TiO2) were obtained by an in situ GO photoreduction route. X-ray diffraction, FTIR, Raman, UV–vis DRS, and photoluminescence were the main characterization techniques. The obtained composites containing 1 and 3 wt.% rGO were evaluated in the cyanide (50 mg/L) oxidation and Au-cyanide complex (300 mg/L) degradation under UV-A light. The composites showed higher photocatalytic activity than TiO2, mainly with the 1% rGO content. Cyanate and gold nanoparticles, deposited on the photocatalyst’s surface, were the main byproducts during the photocatalyst assessment. The improved photocatalytic activity of the composites was attributed to a higher rate of electron transfer and a lower rate of charge recombination due to the chemical interaction of rGO with TiO2.

Original languageEnglish
Article number5284
Issue number15
StatePublished - Aug 2022


  • Au–cyanide complex
  • FTIR
  • Raman
  • free cyanide
  • graphene-TiO composites
  • photocatalytic oxidation
  • photoluminescence


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