Ends of non-metrizable manifolds: A generalized bagpipe theorem

David Fernández-Bretón, Nicholas G. Vlamis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We initiate the study of ends of non-metrizable manifolds and introduce the notion of short and long ends. Using the theory developed, we provide a characterization of (non-metrizable) surfaces that can be written as the topological sum of a metrizable manifold plus a countable number of “long pipes” in terms of their spaces of ends; this is a direct generalization of Nyikos's bagpipe theorem.

Translated title of the contributionExtremos de variedades no metrizables: un teorema de gaita generalizado
Original languageEnglish
Article number108017
JournalTopology and its Applications
StatePublished - 1 Apr 2022


  • Bagpipe
  • Freudenthal compactification
  • Non-metrizable manifolds
  • Nyikos's bagpipe theorem
  • Space of ends


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