Effect of NaCN:ZnSO4 Mixture Molar Ratio and Particle-Size Distribution on Pb-Zn and Fe Selective Separation by Froth Flotation

Ramón Arellano-Piña, Elvia Angélica Sanchez-Ramirez, Roberto Pérez-Garibay, Mario Corona-Arroyo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


This work studies the depression of sphalerite and pyrite with a NaCN:ZnSO4 mixture in the selective separation of Pb-Zn by flotation when the blend is enriched with Ag. Given in this paper are an explanation of depression mechanism and the method for optimizing the Pb-Ag recovery. This was done by analyzing the thermodynamics of an aqueous system and evaluating two experimental techniques: flotation kinetic tests and wettability on minerals. The best Pb-Zn separation was observed using a 10:1 mixture molar ratio and coarse-size-particle distribution in the flotation kinetic test (separation 48.24% and lead recovery 83.70%). Wettability measurements and thermodynamic analysis support that free cyanide [CN] and zinc cyanide species [Zn(CN)3 and Zn(CN)42−] selectively depressed the pyrite and sphalerite, favoring galena floatability. Finally, the silver recovery (argentite associated with pyrite and quartz) is affected by mineralogical association and both, particle-size distribution and mixture molar ratio.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)36-46
Number of pages11
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2022


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