Educational Intervention Model for Lentil Consumption: A Strategy that Contributes to Sustainable Development

Yoliztli Cecilia Torres Tenorio, Claudia Hernández Aguilar, Efraín José Martínez Ortíz

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


It is necessary to propose educational interventions in the population due to economic, social, and environmental situations. Thus, in this research, a transdisciplinary model of an educational intervention to increase lentil consumption was proposed. The population was known based on their lifestyle characteristics, health, and pro-health habits, including lentil consumption. The types of lentils marketed in the Mexico zone were investigated and characterized in terms of their quality attributes: sanitary, physical, and saponins, choosing the best option. Lentil-based foods were formulated to teach their preparation and sensory evaluation preferences. As part of the intervention strategy, food dishes were formulated. The training was provided in their preparation and awareness was raised about the importance of lentil consumption for sustainable development. The changes of the participants were evaluated, and they indicated that their changes were mainly attributed to economic aspects, health reasons, and care for the environment. The lentil dishes were accepted by the focus group.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)63-83
Number of pages21
JournalTransdisciplinary Journal of Engineering and Science
StatePublished - 3 Jan 2022


  • Educational intervention
  • Lens culinaris
  • model TD
  • sustainable development


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