Density of the bivalve Spondylus limbatus G.B. Sowerby II, 1847 (=S. calcifer) in Agua Verde-Tembabiche, Gulf of California, Mexico

Marcial Trinidad Villalejo Fuerte, José Manuel Borges-Souza, Marcial Arellano-Martínez, Arturo Tripp-Quezada, Enmaylin Fernández Aguirre, Vicente Berovides-álvarez, Nurenskaya Velez-Arellano, Amhed R. Cabrera Jerez

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This study estimated the population density of Spondylus limbatus at six fishing banks that are
representative of the Gulf of California, Mexico. Each bank was identified in July 2011. There were significant
differences in density between banks, and a steady north-to-south decrease in density that was fitted to a potential
model. At low densities, S. limbatus showed a lower variability in size. Since the densities of S. limbatus are
suitable for commercial exploitation, sustainable extraction can be performed under a population recovery
approach. Also, this study represents a baseline for the evaluation and monitoring of populations of this species
through time and contributes to set general guidelines for the assessment of commercial feasibility and
exploitation criteria.
Original languageSpanish (Mexico)
Article number2141
Pages (from-to)162-166
Number of pages5
JournalLatin American Journal of Aquatic Research
Issue number1
StatePublished - 6 Dec 2020

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