Construction and validity of an instrument to evaluate renewable energies and energy sustainability perceptions for social consciousness

Adán Acosta-Banda, Verónica Aguilar-Esteva, Miguel Patiño Ortiz, Julián Patiño Ortiz

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


The construction and content validity of an instrument to evaluate the perception and social consciousness on renewable resources and energy sustainability was done. First, a review and analysis of the existing instruments in the literature was carried out. The instrument was con-structed, then reviewed by three experts, and submitted to the judgment of nine experts. Finally, it was applied to a group of twenty people to evaluate instruction and question accuracy. The instrument is integrated with four dimensions: knowledge on renewable energy; the perception of benefits obtained from it; willingness to acquire renewable energy equipment and evaluation of the use of wind and solar energies importance; the degree of personal and social awareness on environmental care as well as information on specific habits on how important it is to promote and practice energy-saving and environmental sustainability. The experts’ revision process resulted in the ap-proval of the instrument. Content validity (Aiken’s V > 0.75; VI > 0.50) was confirmed. The results of the pilot sample showed a favorable opinion, the understanding of the instructions and items, and the attainment of an optimal value in reliability (Cronbach’s alpha: 0.8553). It was concluded that the instrument is valid to evaluate the perception and degree of consciousness on renewable energies and energy sustainability constructs.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2333
Pages (from-to)1-13
Number of pages13
JournalSustainability (Switzerland)
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2 Feb 2021


  • Content validity
  • Energy consciousness
  • Renewable energies
  • Sustainability


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