Characterization of Cuban and Brazilian natural zeolites by photoacoustic spectroscopy and electron paramagnetic resonance

Arlem Lara-Bernal, Marcelo G. Da Silva, Leonardo Mota, Ernesto Marín, Thallis C. Cordeiro, Edson C. Da Silva, Daniel A. Viana, Helion Vargas, José Carlos Polidoro, Marisa Bezerra De Mello-Monte

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This report describes the photoacoustic and electron paramagnetic resonance investigations of Brazilian and Cuban zeolites. Photoacoustic optical absorption measurements indicate the presence of iron (Fe3+) ions with their respective transition bands for both zeolites. Two species of manganese (Mn2+ and Mn3+) were identified in the Cuban sample and the electronic transitions assigned. Iron and manganese ions were confirmed through nonradiative relaxation (t) and characteristic diffusion (-cp) times evaluation, whose values were found to be tBRA = 5.40 ms, tcub = 4.60 ms, cpBRA = 387 ^s and cpCUB = 305 ^s. Crystal field (Dq-BRA/Dq-CUB = 1048 cm-1/945 cm-1) plus Racah (B-bra/B-cub = 457 cm-1/8l3 cm-1 and C-bra/C-cub = 3655 cm-1/2496 cm-1) parameters were assessed as well. Paramagnetic resonance corroborated Fe3+ ions present in the Brazilian zeolite occupying sites showing axial and/or rhombic symmetry distortions. For the Cuban sample, results reveal the characteristic hyperfine sextet lines of Mn2+ overlapping the Fe3+ line. Values of Lande factor and isotropic hyperfine splitting constant were found to be 2.0 and 9.7 mT, respectively. This tells us that the Mn2+ lies in octahedral symmetry probably replacing calcium ions and point towards an ionic bonding character of the Mn2+ and its surroundings.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere20200512
JournalAnais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • Characteristic diffusion time
  • Natural zeolites
  • Nonradiative relaxation time
  • Phase resolved method
  • Racah parameters


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