Asthma and rhinitis in South America: How different they are from other parts of the world

Herberto José Chong Neto, Nelson Augusto Rosário, Dirceu Solé, Carlos E. Baena-Cagnani, Gustavo E. Zabert, Carlos D. Crisci, Maximiliano Gómez, Hugo Neffen, Rosario Pinto-Vargas, Dirceu Solé, Jackeline Machado-Motta, Ricardo A. Gurgel, Paulo A. Camargos, Wellington G. Borges, Almerinda Silva, Nelson A. Rosário, Leda Solano Costa, Leda de Freitas Souza, Cláudia Dutra-Bernhardt, Francisco José Passos-SoaresMercia Lamenha, Maria do Socorro Cardoso, Antônio Ledo Aves da Cunha, Arnaldo Porto Neto, Gilberto Bueno Fischer, Victor E. Cassol, Cassia Gonzales, Karyn C. Melo, Cristina A. Jacob, Fabio Kuschnir, Emanuel Sarinho, Murilo de Britto, Neusa Wandalsen, Antonio Carlos Pastorino, Rosario Pinto, Esther Serrate, Roberto Paz, Pitias Suárez, Oscar Gómez, Janet Aguirre, Viviana Aguirre-Camposano, Luis Vera-Benavides, Amanda Contreras, Lidia Amarales, Pedro Aguilar, Mario A. Calvo, Javier Mallol, Alfonso M. Cepeda, Gustavo Aristizábal, Gustavo A. Ordoñez, Manuel Soto-Quiroz, Patricia Varona-Peréz, César Bustos, Sergio Barba, Rocío de Janón, Mireya Rodas, Alfredo Sierra, José Ulloa, Margarita Figueroa-Colorado, Agustin Bueso-Engelhardt, Manuel Baeza-Bacab, Blanca E. Del Río-Navarro, Mercedes Barragán-Meijueiro, Nelly Ramírez-Chanona, Roberto García-Almaraz, Isabelle Romieu, Valente Merida-Palacio, Sandra Nora González-Díaz, Francisco J. Linares-Zapién, Sergio Romero-Tapia, José F. Sánchez, Gherson Cukier, Jaime A. Guggiari-Chasse, Pascual Chiarella, Dolores Holgado, María Cristina Lapides, Oscar Aldrey

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

41 Scopus citations


Asthma and rhinitis epidemiology has wide variations around the world. The aim of this review was verify the prevalence of asthma and rhinitis in South America and report differences from other regions of the world. We reviewed studies with International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) methodology in South America, Phases I and III. In South America the ISAAC Phase I ranked four countries among top ten in prevalence of asthma and three countries among top ten in prevalence of rhinoconjunctivitis. ISAAC Phase III showed little changes in asthma and rhinitis prevalence in South American countries. The prevalence increases of asthma and rhinitis in South American centers indicate that the burden of both is continuing to rise, but the differences in prevalence are lessening.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)62-67
Number of pages6
JournalAllergy, Asthma and Immunology Research
Issue number2
StatePublished - Mar 2012
Externally publishedYes


  • Asthma
  • Epidemiology
  • Rhinitis


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