Adaptive terminal sliding mode control of a regulated multidimensional electrospinning device for polymeric structures

Oscar Reyes-Garcia, Dusthon Llorente-Vidrio, Ricardo Santillan, David Cruz-Ortiz, Isaac Chairez

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


This study intends to present an automatic control design for a Cartesian electrospinning system with a dual moving platforms for the collector and the syringe subsystems which are mobilized using linear actuators. The proposed device is including a set of dual robotized structures, that is also carrying a structure to create the Taylor cone that regulates the nano-fiber deposition over the supporting platform. The suggested control form considers the synchronization between the syringe tip and the collector using a cascade tracking structure. A class of distributed state-dependent terminal sliding mode control form solves the tracking problem that yields the syringe-collector pair moves in a synchronized form tracking a bidimensional design that should be reproduced with the fibers deposition made of polyvinyl acid–based polymer. This controller also considers the working space restrictions in the Cartesian electrospinning system device using state-dependent gains which are obtained using a control barrier Lyapunov function. The application of the second stability method of Lyapunov serves to both design the state-dependent gains and prove that the tracking error trajectory is ultimate bound. The proposed controller is evaluated using a cyber-physical representation of the Cartesian electrospinning system device where the proposed controller is evaluated. This evaluation considers a comparison of the control effectiveness (using the root mean square value of the tracking error) with a traditional non-adaptive state feedback and a first-order sliding mode control. This comparison shows that the proposed adaptive controller induces the smallest root mean square among the tested control forms while reducing the magnitude of the overshoot for each actuator.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1503-1522
Number of pages20
JournalProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering
Issue number8
StatePublished - Sep 2022


  • Cartesian robot
  • Electrospinning
  • barrier Lyapunov function
  • state restricted systems
  • synchronized tracking


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