A laboratory-scale system for mass culture of freshwater microalgae in polyethylene bags

Fernando Martínez-Jerónimo, Félix Espinosa-Chávez

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

29 Scopus citations


A laboratory-scale system for mass culture of microalgae in 8-, 20- and 40-L polyethylene bags, was designed. Bags are 16.8 cm diameter and 52 cm (8-L bags), 112 cm (20-L) or 224 cm (40-L) length. The system was tested successfully with two freshwater microalgae, Ankistrodesmus falcatus and Scenedesmus incrassatulus, cultured in Bold's Basal medium (prepared with either deionized or tap water). The procedure described is simple, reliable and practical, and enables a very cost-effective production of freshwater microalgae to satisfy any laboratory requirements, and when quantities demanded for special applications can not be met by the standard laboratory culture procedures.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)423-425
Number of pages3
JournalJournal of Applied Phycology
Issue number4
StatePublished - Aug 1994


  • Ankistrodesmus falcatus
  • Chlorophyceae
  • Scenedesmus incrassatulus
  • mass production
  • microalgae


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