Repeated dose toxicological evaluation and in vivo anti-arthritic effect of standardized methanolic extracts of wild Buddleja cordata and its cell cultures

Project Details


1. To evaluate the possible toxic effect of repeated administration for 28 days of methanolic extracts from wild Buddleja cordata Kunth and its cell suspension cultures

2. To evaluate the anti-arthritic activity of methanolic extracts in a murine model of experimental arthritis in mouse

3. To determine oxidative stress biomarkers in tissue obtained from arthritic mice

Key findings

La línea celular de Buddleja cordata no generó ningun tipo de toxicidad o letalidad, al igual que los extractos de la planta silvestre, los cuáles fueron administrados vía intragástrica en ratones sanos por 28 días, y en cuanto al modelo de artritis la línea celular mostró un mayor efecto antiedematoso que el extracto de la planta silvestre.
Short titleBuddleja cordata
AcronymVegetal biotechnology
Effective start/end date31/08/1728/09/18


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