Valuación de opciones europeas sobre AMX-L, WALMEX-V y GMEXICO-B: Calibración de parámetros de volatilidad estocásticacon funciones cuadráticas de pérdida

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3 Scopus citations


This paper proposes a methodology to estimate the parameters of the stochastic volatility model from Heston (1993) through quadratic loss functions, which minimize the error between market prices and theoretical prices. To do this, three classes of loss functions are stated, two of which correspond to prices and the other one to implied volatilities. The proposed methodology is applied to a set of option prices on AMX-L, WALMEX-V, and GMEXICO-B. The results indicate that for call options on AMX-L the generated implied volatilities are consistent with observed data under the criterion of the root of the mean quadratic error, while for call options on WALMEX-V and GMEXICO-B the generated implied volatilities are consistent with observed data under the criterion of the root of the mean quadratic relative error.

Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)943-988
Number of pages46
JournalTrimestre Economico
Issue number324
StatePublished - 2014


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