Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Objects Obtained by Two Orthogonal Cameras

J. P. Zavala, G. Gonzalez, E. Castillo, C. Isaza, K. Anaya

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    5 Scopus citations


    This paper presents a technique for 3D reconstruction of objects from a sequence of images acquired with two cameras. The cameras are mounted so that their axes remain orthogonal, both toward the subject. A mechanical device, controlled in angular position, allows movement of the cameras as they acquire an image sequence. From the images acquired different views of the silhouette of the object are extracted. The silhouettes processing to generate a 3D point cloud and generate a mesh using Delaunay triangulation techniques. Controlling the angular position of the cameras, the algorithm for the image processing and the three-dimensional reconstruction is performed using a GUI developed in Visual C++. The results of the reconstruction process are modeled in a virtual environment to get a real view of the object.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number7350073
    Pages (from-to)3162-3168
    Number of pages7
    JournalIEEE Latin America Transactions
    Issue number9
    StatePublished - Sep 2015


    • Multiple silhouettes
    • Point cloud
    • Three-dimensional reconstruction


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