Sugar production from sorghum by enzimatic hydrolysis

Erika Y. Mora-Ramírez, José A. Ramírez, Gonzalo Velazquez, Manuel Vázquez, Miguel A. Reyes-López

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Sorghum is one of the most important cereal crops around the world, although it has been relegated almost exclusively for animal feed. The physical and chemical properties of sorghum allow obtaining several products considered valuable sources of minerals and proteins that could be used for human consumption. Additionally, the biotechnological use of these crops as raw material to obtain products from fermentation is increasing, from biofuels to high-protein products to be used in the preparation of other food or just as a sweetener. This chapter describes an alternate application beyond the use for the primarily production of sweeteners and the byproducts derived from this procedure. This describes a waste that contains a rich source of proteins, which can be used as a food supplement in animal feed. Finally, the development of new proposals for substitute sweeteners could be an added value to sorghum crop production for many applications, like sweeteners for people with diabetics.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSorghum
Subtitle of host publicationFood and Energy Source
PublisherNova Science Publishers, Inc.
Number of pages13
ISBN (Print)9781619423725
StatePublished - Feb 2012


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