Strain measurements exhibited by a steel prosthesis protected with au nanoparticles

Luis Héctor Hernández-Gómez, Joel Francisco Pava-Chipol, Martín Trejo-Valdez, Carlos Torres-Torres, Juan Alfonso Beltrán Fernández, Guillermo Urriolagotia-Sosa, Christopher René Torres San Miguel, Guillermo Urriolagotia-Calderón

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


The design and manufacturing of a customized femur prosthesis is presented. Besides, the application of a coating of Au nanoparticles embedded in titanium dioxide is evaluated. For this purpose, a customized femur prosthesis for a Labrador Retriever dog was manufactured. It was 7 years old and its weight was 35 kg. The main geometrical characteristics of the prosthesis are the following. Its femoral neck angle is 75.84°, the smallest and largest diameter of the shaft is 2.7 and 6 mm, respectively, while the diameter of the femur head is 20 mm. The material used for this purpose was stainless steel. Initially, a tomographic study of the hip and femur was carried on. All the data was collected in.DICOM files. From this information, solid models were obtained. The new data was saved in.STL files. From such files, quick prototypes were carried out. They were made with ABS material, following a stereolithography procedure. All the dimensions were checked. Once the customized model was approved, the structural integrity was determined with the finite element method. In the next step it was manufactured. In the final part, a 250 nm coating, which was made of Au nanoparticles embedded in titanium dioxide, was applied. An indentation test was carried out. A 65° Berkovich indenter, made with diamond, was used. The modulus of elasticity of the coating was 941 MPa. The stress field during the indentation test was obtained.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)107-120
Number of pages14
JournalAdvanced Structured Materials
StatePublished - 2014


  • Canine femur
  • Computed tomography
  • Femur prosthesis
  • Hip
  • Nanostructured thin solid film coating


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