Role of α-Dystrobrevin in the differentiation process of HL-60 cells

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2 Scopus citations


The α-Dystrobrevin gene encodes at least five different protein isoforms, expressed in diverse tissues. The α-Dystrobrevin-1 isoform (α-Db-1) is a member of the cytoplasmic dystrophin-associated protein complex, which has a C-terminal extension comprising at least three tyrosine residues susceptible to phosphorylation in vivo. We previously described α-Db in stem-progenitor cells and blood neutrophils as playing a scaffolding role and, in association with kinesin and microtubules, α-Db promotes platelet-granule trafficking. Additionally, the microtubules must establish a balanced interaction with the lamina A/C network for appropriate nuclear morphology. Considering that the most outstanding feature during neutrophil differentiation is nuclei lobulation, we hypothesized that α-Db might possess a pivotal function during the neutrophil differentiation process. Western Blot (WB) and confocal microscope assays evidenced a differential pattern expression and a subcellular redistribution of α-Db in neutrophils derived from HL-60 cells. At the end of the differentiation process, we detected an important diminution in the expression of tubulin, kinesin, and α-Db-1. Knockdown of α-Db prevented nuclei lobulation, increased Lamin A/C and syne1 expression and augmented the roughness of derived neutrophil membrane and disturbed filopodia assembly. Our results suggest that HL-60 cells undergo extensive cytoskeletal reorganization including α-Db in order to possess lobulated nuclei when they further differentiate into neutrophils.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)591-600
Number of pages10
JournalExperimental Cell Research
Issue number2
StatePublished - 15 Sep 2018


  • LINC complex
  • Lamin A/C
  • Myeloid differentiation
  • Promyelocytic cells


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