Representations of mathematicians in lower secondary mathematics textbooks

Apolo Castaneda, Mario Sánchez Aguilar, Ana Luisa Gómez-Blancarte, Avenilde Romo-Vázquez, Javier Lezama-Andalón, Isaías Miranda-Viramontes

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4 Scopus citations


We report on a study focused on identifying and describing the representations of mathematicians contained in Mexican textbooks of lower secondary level. We considered representations not only in the text but also in drawings, photographs, and illustrations in general. The term mathematician was understood in a broad sense: any person (or group of people) that in the textbook either (1) was explicitly referred to as a mathematician, (2) was credited with the development of a mathematical concept or tool, or (3) was displayed performing some sort of mathematical activity (such as counting, modelling, etc.). The results show that the representations that most frequently appear in the textbooks are white male mathematicians (mainly Europeans), who lived in ancient times; the representations of female mathematicians are almost nil. At the end of the paper the implications of these results are discussed, and some directions for future research are suggested.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberem1716
JournalEurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
Issue number7
StatePublished - 2019


  • Images of mathematicians
  • Lower secondary education
  • Mathematics textbooks
  • Representations of mathematicians


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