On the Hilbert formulas on the unit sphere for the time-harmonic relativistic Dirac bispinors theory

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In this paper there are established some analogues of the Hilbert formulas on the unit sphere for the theory of time-harmonic (monochromatic) relativistic Dirac bispinors. The formulas relate a pair of the components of the limit value of a time-harmonic Dirac bispinor in the unit ball to the other pair of components. The obtained results are based on the intimate connection between time-harmonic solutions of the relativistic Dirac equation and the three-dimensional α-hyperholomorphic function theory. Hilbert formulas for α-hyperholomorphic function theory for α being a complex quaternionic number are also presented, such formulas relate a pair of components of the boundary value of an α-hyperholomorphic function in the unit ball to the other pair of components, in an analogy with what is known for the case of the theory of functions of one complex variable.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)575-596
Number of pages22
JournalJournal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Issue number2
StatePublished - 15 Aug 2014


  • Hilbert operator
  • Hyperholomorphic functions
  • Relativistic Dirac bispinors theory
  • Singular integrals


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