Noncommutative Friedmann equations in effective LQC

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In this work, we construct a noncommutative version of the Friedmann equations in the framework of effective loop quantum cosmology, extending and applying the ideas presented in a previous proposal by some of the authors. The model under consideration is a flat FRW spacetime with a free scalar field. First, noncommutativity in the momentum sector is introduced. We establish the noncommutative equations of motion and obtain the corresponding exact solutions. Such solutions indicate that the bounce is preserved, in particular, the energy density is the same as in the standard LQC. We also construct an extension of the modified Friedmann equations arising in effective LQC which incorporates corrections due to noncommutativity, and argue that an effective potential is induced. This, in turn, leads us to investigate the possibility of an inflationary era. Finally, we obtain the Friedmann and the Raychaudhuri equations when implementing noncommutativity in the configuration sector. In this case, no effective potential is induced.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2050039
JournalInternational Journal of Modern Physics D
Issue number6
StatePublished - 1 Apr 2020


  • Friedmann equations
  • Noncommutativity
  • effective loop quantum cosmology


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