Indicadores de Carbono en la Industria Farmaceutica: Huella de Carbono vs Huella Ecologica

Maria Concepcion Martinez-Rodriguez, Mariana Marcelino-Aranda, Ana Laura Cervantes-Najera, Griselda Castillo Noguera

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Climate change is among the factors of greatest interest worldwide in the social and business level, the carbon footprint is an indicator that measures the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) that are made in the material production chain, since obtaining raw materials until waste treatment. The ecological footprint is a real measure of the impact caused by human activities on the environment and is determined according to the amount of greenhouse gases produced. The proposal is the measure of the complete ecological footprint to consider the carbon as the base and not only CO2, as used in the tools described. The present research works on the international context and methodologies for carbon measurement and makes a comparative analysis between the carbon footprint and the ecological footprint, its scope, and differences, as well as illustrating its application in the pharmaceutical industry.

Original languagePortuguese (Brazil)
Pages (from-to)60-75
Number of pages16
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2022


  • carbon footprint
  • carbon measurement indicators
  • climate change
  • ecological footprint
  • pharmaceutical industry

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