Data supporting the elemental composition, the morphological and thermal properties of MnPhos/waterborne poly(urethane)(WPU) coatings for carbon steel

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2 Scopus citations


The data set presented here offers evidence of the elemental composition related to a SEM micrograph of [Mn5(PO3(OH))2(PO4)2⋅4H2O] (MnPhos) powders, known as hurealite, and synthesized by the reflux method. In addition, it contains additional information of the glass transition, melting and decomposition temperatures and their weight loss percent of coatings based on MnPhos incorporated into waterborne poly(urethane) (WPU). These data are complementing of the article “Corrosion investigation of new hybrid organic/inorganic coatings for carbon steel substrates: electrochemical and surface characterizations”.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105121
JournalData in Brief
StatePublished - Apr 2020


  • Elemental composition
  • Hureaulite
  • MnPhos/WPU coatings
  • SEM micrographs
  • Thermograms


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