A fractional Borel–Pompeiu type formula and a related fractional ψ−Fueter operator with respect to a vector-valued function

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In this paper, we combine the fractional (Formula presented.) hyperholomorphic function theory with the fractional calculus with respect to another function. As a main result, a fractional Borel–Pompeiu type formula related to a fractional (Formula presented.) Fueter operator with respect to a vector-valued function is proved.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2012-2022
Number of pages11
JournalMathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
Issue number2
StatePublished - 30 Jan 2023


  • Borel–Pompeiu formula
  • fractional Fueter operator with respect to a vector-valued function
  • fractional calculus
  • quaternionic analysis


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